UNAM celebrates 100 years as The National University of México...
Today is a day of celebration and pride for all those who study and studied in one of the many classrooms that the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of México provides for the delivery of knowledge.
I owe too much to UNAM. There I meet those are my best friends today. In it I fell in love and met disappointment, In it's classrooms learned that knowledge is not always what the teachers have, but what the students share...
It is common to hear or read from those who are important what they achieved thanks to what the UNAM gave them, but I'm writting from the other side of the coin (kind of)... Because I'm not the kind of person that people tend to follow. I'm not successful or a big contributor to culture or science... you could say I'm one of those at the bottom, one of the commons, with the difference that I'm far from the common.
UNAM has meant more than knowledge and great achievements... for me UNAM means losses, pain, sadness, disappoinment and bad memories. However, I found that the university has been one of the best experiences of my life.
I'm still part of the student enrollment of the university. I've swallowed the pain of knowing myself fitter than many colleagues who are already out of school, but I'm still here and I have to deal with it... this is only part of the things I've learned...
Being a student of the UNAM is like belonging to a secret lodge, many want to imitate but they will never be like the original... few are the chosen...
Thanks UNAM.