sábado, febrero 19, 2011


This is the last day, I can't say I'm sad, but I have this weird feeling that makes me think I'll be back... We're going back from peruvian summer to the end of mexican winter, I know I'm gonna get sick.

Try to talk about the whole peruvians based on the small experience I've had would be unfair. I know there's a lot of nice people in this country, just, for some reason I don't understand, they are hiding somewhere far away from me. Anyway, I'm in Lima, this is like a small México D.F. but on crack.
The thing I've hated the most is transportation. My hipotesis is that they just discovered the car a few days ago and they found out the horn yesterday and that's why all drivers enjoy to death this angelic sound.
The weather goes from hot to fucking hot and also to "My balls are melting" but there's a good side of this: girls who wear tiniest shirts and tightest shorts... it's a male-single's paradise, ok, just a male paradise.
It's clear that the educational level is quite low, eventhough there's a lot of "educated" people the manners are quite fucked up.
Aaaaanyway, I'm gonna be mean and say the same thing that a lot of people say about mexicans: The only bad thing about Peru is peruvians...

I just have to say: Peru is awesome

martes, febrero 15, 2011


There is one word that defines Perú: HOT

It's the second day here and I'm melting, the good thing is that there are a lot of girls wearing tiny shorts, and that's awesome.

So, the weather is hot, the girls are hot and I'm hot... everything is fine.

And now I bring you some pics from the firs day in Perú.

From Airport to Hotel... and Miguel Angel Cornejo...

Nice, Arequipa at night

Mi girlfriend the first day (night) in Perú

We haven't eaten Salchipapaas but we'll do it soon.

domingo, febrero 13, 2011


Sunday... seven o'clock... almost.

Today is the day. I'm excited. Today we'll be flying toward Perú... I'm really REALLY happy...

Just check my smile

I can't help it.

I'll try to upload pics and vidz and make a post every day.

Now I'll try to rest a little, I'm gonna need my strength later. :D

viernes, febrero 11, 2011

FRIDAY 11 (No credit on my phone)

So, yes, here I am, again...
and it's friday, ¡hell yes!...
well, I have nothing better to do so, here's an update of what I have done this week.

First, the internet was gone... sooooo I have enough time to edit some vidz and this is the result.

This is "After Happily ever after" a video wrote, produced, directed and edited by me. But the most important part of this, of course, my friends, those who helped me to create this little atempt of short film.
We create this story with no budget, a hi8 camera that is pretty lame and no external mics...
anyway, I feel proud of this little production.
¡Wait for more! ;D

Next week is february 14th... I ain't gonna talk about it because I kinda hate it. Last year I put my thoughs on the web and talk about it would be repetitive and boring, so I rather to put the webcomic here.


To make a good ending I'm gonna say that I have some kusudamas, they're ready to be sold, I just have to find the customers... ... so... I'll be out for a week but I'll try to update my location and shit as soon as I can.

Have a nice weekend and do not kill people.

viernes, febrero 04, 2011


So, I haven't posted since... last year. And there's no reason, I have had the time and there's a lot of things to say...
I wanted to write about my li'l sis, about how much I miss her, but I'll do it later.
Now it's time to show some pics.

I've been working on this kusudama...

I wanted to say that this looks like a small Epcot Center... but no.

This is the same shape but different color.

So, I've been working a little on this, a little on the webcomic...

Muahahahaha... Tortilla XD

Yes, I made fun of us... because, well... It's ok when a mexican say to another mexican "Fuck you lazy ass", I mean, I've heard worse on mexican tv shows, but if somebody who's not mexican say something bad about us... ¡Oh men!, we should burn him in oil. What's the point on this? If we kill them we're going to be the same people, watching the same tv, listening the same music, living the same life... (but we'll be killers) XD
In that case we should burn ourselfs... or try to be better. It's ok when somebody say that we are crap as long as we know that we're not, everything is ok. But if we are... then I think we should fix something here.
When you're uncomfortable about something that somebody said about you there's only two reasons: 1 It may be true, 2 It is true.
So, to the hell with this shit...
... and suscribe.


Hoy vengo a contar una de muchas pequeñas historias. Esta historia comienza hace diez años. Un chico deprimido que intentaba salir de su e...